-the dearly dedicated scotsman, namesake of David Hume*, could put my roommate the Doctor to shame in any number of drinking scenarios.. undoubtedly our constant in a tight situation..a brave man, courage to the brim.. a good man.. the reason to wake up when there is just not.. to thee, a tribute-
In the episodes chronicling time travel, a group of survivors return to the point in time when Des is solo in the hatch pressin the button, two months into the future. Daniel* knocks on the door repeatedly until Desmond, wearing a HAZMAT suit and wielding a rifle, appears. Daniel, to Desmond's confusion, told him that he was "uniquely, and miraculously special", and that he was the only one who could save them.

*David Hume was an 18th century Scottish philosopher. He rejected Enlightenment positivism and the power of reason to determine all truths and espoused the idea that human nature and ultimately what we define as culture should be the criteria when one defines the ways in which we come into our beliefs or ideas and actions. He was impressively influenced by John Locke.

*Initially it's Sawyer who pounds on the door but to no avail for he has not yet met Desmond, Daniel on the other hand, has...at Oxford.
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